Idealizada por dois artistas visuais apaixonados por 3D, cinema e motion, a Wardn nasce da necessidade de um repositório de assets com um preço acessível e de qualidade.
Além disso, observaram a necessidade desse tipo de segmento no mercado brasileiro, utilizando de assets otimizados, com variedade e inovação e mirando nos infinitos universos da realidade virtual.
Conceived by two visual artists passionate about 3D, cinema and motion, Wardn was born from the need for a repository of assets with an affordable price and quality. In addition, they observed the need for this type of segment in the Brazilian market, using optimized assets, with variety and innovation and aiming at the infinite universes of virtual reality.
Conceived by two visual artists passionate about 3D, cinema and motion, Wardn was born from the need for a repository of assets with an affordable price and quality. In addition, they observed the need for this type of segment in the Brazilian market, using optimized assets, with variety and innovation and aiming at the infinite universes of virtual reality.

Warden é traduzido como Guarda/guardião.
'«latim medieval guardianus < *wardianus, romanização do acusativo gótico wardjan < warda "sentinela"; cp. italiano guardiano "que tem o encargo de vigiar" e espanhol guardián "idem", de mesma origem [...].»'
Dentro do nosso conceito geral, somos o guardião de uma infinidade de recursos, somos aqueles que provêem conhecimento e materiais para outros artistas estudarem, trabalharem e crescerem.
Warden is translated as Guard/guardian. '«Medieval Latin guardianus < *wardianus, romanization of Gothic accusative wardjan < warda "sentinel"; cp. Italian guardiano "who has the task of watching" and Spanish guardián "idem", of the same origin [...].»' Within our general concept, we are the guardians of an infinity of resources, we are the ones who provide knowledge and materials for other artists to study, work and grow.

-The Typography was built inspired by the cyberpunk aesthetic, with geometric shapes in evidence, conveying the sensation of modernity and the future.
- Some elements within the typography refer to 3D like the letter “w” and the letter “D”, being an interesting and subliminal detail.
- In addition to the futuristic aesthetic, the cuts in each letter, give the sensation of movement and continuity, always in expansion.
- The Introductory Element in the letter A. is the representation of a pixel or point, something basic within 2D and 3D work.

Siga-me/Follow @jeanguerreirodesign