Leandro Scherer - Engenheiro Civil
Leandro é um jovem Engenheiro, porém com muita experiência em diversas áreas de atuação dentro da engenharia como por exemplo: Projetos (estrutural, elétrico, hidro sanitário, PPCI), Laudos Técnicos, Orçamento para obras e acompanhamento da mesma. Buscando um posicionamento mais efetivo e concreto me procurou para materializar todos os conceitos em volto em seu trabalho.
Na criação da marca do Leandro buscamos um visual que represente a criatividade e o comprometimento em seus projetos, com formas firmes e dinâmicas transmitimos solidez em todas as áreas de sua atuação.
Leandro Scherer - Civil EngineerLeandro is a young Engineer, but with a lot of experience in several areas of work within engineering such as: Projects (structural, electrical, hydro-sanitary, PPCI), Technical Reports, Budget for works and monitoring of the same. Seeking a more effective and concrete positioning, he came to me to materialize all the concepts around him in his work.
Leandro Scherer - Civil EngineerLeandro is a young Engineer, but with a lot of experience in several areas of work within engineering such as: Projects (structural, electrical, hydro-sanitary, PPCI), Technical Reports, Budget for works and monitoring of the same. Seeking a more effective and concrete positioning, he came to me to materialize all the concepts around him in his work.
In the creation of Leandro's brand, we sought a look that represents creativity and commitment in his projects, with firm and dynamic forms we convey solidity in all areas of his performance.

Seu símbolo foi desenvolvido em torno de diversos conceitos da engenharia e personalidade do Leandro, partindo de formas geométricas básicas que unidas o tornam sólido, único e memorável. Além disso buscamos formas que representem estruturas de empreendimentos e moradias, carro chefe de seu segmento de atuação.
Its symbol was developed around several concepts of Leandro's engineering and personality, starting from basic geometric shapes that together make it solid, unique and memorable. In addition, we seek forms that represent structures of projects and housing, the flagship of its segment.
Its symbol was developed around several concepts of Leandro's engineering and personality, starting from basic geometric shapes that together make it solid, unique and memorable. In addition, we seek forms that represent structures of projects and housing, the flagship of its segment.