Alesandra Bassani - Cirurgia geral e do aparelho digestivo
Alesandra Bassani é uma cirurgiã geral / Cirurgiã do aparelho digestivo, que atua em Curitiba/PR.
Seu trabalho individualizado procura tratar cada especificidade do paciente de forma resolutiva, sendo assim, melhorando sua qualidade de vida. De forma direta, trata a carga que o paciente traz ao seu consultório, sendo ela a obesidade ou problemas específicos do corpo (hérnia, pedra na vesícula, refluxo etc).
Alesandra Bassani is a General Surgeon / Digestive System Surgeon, who works in Curitiba/PR. His individualized work seeks to address each patient's specificity in a resolute way, thus, improving your quality of life. Directly, it deals with the burden that the patient brings to his office, whether obesity or specific problems of the body (hernia, gallstone, reflux etc).
Alesandra Bassani is a General Surgeon / Digestive System Surgeon, who works in Curitiba/PR. His individualized work seeks to address each patient's specificity in a resolute way, thus, improving your quality of life. Directly, it deals with the burden that the patient brings to his office, whether obesity or specific problems of the body (hernia, gallstone, reflux etc).

A participação da Alesandra nessas etapas é importante na questão de conscientização e amparo, pois são procedimentos complexos e que realmente mudam a vida do paciente. Ao buscar a cirurgia bariátrica por exemplo, a carga emocional presente nesta cirurgia é complexa, pois retoma diversos desafios na vida desta pessoa, desde bullying, problemas de saúde, de aparência e até auto aceitação. Ao buscar esta transformação física com a Alesandra, ele esta também transformando sua vida.
Alesandra's participation in these stages is important in terms of awareness and support, as they are complex procedures that really change the patient's life. When seeking bariatric surgery for example, the emotional charge present in this surgery is complex, as it takes up several challenges in this person's life, from bullying, health problems, appearance and even self-acceptance. By seeking this physical transformation with Alesandra, he is also transforming his life
Alesandra's participation in these stages is important in terms of awareness and support, as they are complex procedures that really change the patient's life. When seeking bariatric surgery for example, the emotional charge present in this surgery is complex, as it takes up several challenges in this person's life, from bullying, health problems, appearance and even self-acceptance. By seeking this physical transformation with Alesandra, he is also transforming his life

As formas do logotipo refletem o movimento e a mudança. Referenciando diretamente as iniciais (A e B) e o estomago, órgão que foi escolhido pois é nele que é feita a bariátrica, cirurgia de preferência da Alesandra.
Logo shapes reflect movement and change. Directly referencing the initials (A and B) and the stomach, an organ that was chosen because it is where the bariatric surgery is performed, Alesandra's preferred surgery.

A composição da paleta de cores se da por cores fortes e marcantes, sua combinação é memorável e com grande harmonia entreambas. O verde dentro da psicologia das cores é a harmonia e equilíbrio, é a representação cromática da saúde e bem viver. Já os azul é utilizado para transparecer segurança e confiança, conversando diretamente com nossos conceitos e no ambiente em que está inserido. Ele também nos remete a limpeza e cuidado.
The composition of the color palette is given by strong and striking colors, its combination is memorable and with great harmony between both. The green within the psychology of colors is harmony and balance, it is the chromatic representation of health and good living. Blue is used to convey security and confidence, talking directly to our concepts and environment in that is inserted. It also reminds us of cleanliness and care.
The composition of the color palette is given by strong and striking colors, its combination is memorable and with great harmony between both. The green within the psychology of colors is harmony and balance, it is the chromatic representation of health and good living. Blue is used to convey security and confidence, talking directly to our concepts and environment in that is inserted. It also reminds us of cleanliness and care.

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